Friday, 14 March 2014


How to be the CEO of your Health

Posted by Unknown on Friday, March 14, 2014
Your health is completely in your hands. When going to the doctor – even if its the very best, most holistic doctor in the world – it’s essential for your to first become hyper present and in tune with the sensations of your body. No one will ever fully understand what you feel like more than you do. So, you must prepare yourself with knowledge and awareness so your healers can do their part in healing you. 

Because, when it comes down to it, you are the CEO of your health and external wellness providers are merely players on your team.The doctor is like the dishwasher. If you put the dishes in dirty, the dishwasher will try to clean them as much as possible (and they may even come out clean!) but they may come out with food still caked on. Just a quick rinse prior to putting them in the dishwasher, though, and your dishes will sparkle. The same is true of your body. If you prep yourself for the doctor with awareness and questions and knowledge, the doctor can more easily help to make you sparkle.

3 tips to keep in mind at the doctor:

1. Don’t let them get you down
There is huge power in words. If you tell a cancer patient they have 6 months to live then they’re more likely to die 6 months later than if you were to tell them they would live a vibrant healthy life. So as your doctor explains to you what’s going on in your body, understand these are merely signals and how you heal them is completely up to you.

2. Don’t get on the scale
Scales suck. They just do. And if you’ve ever struggled with an eating disorder, you should most definitely avoid the number on the scale at all costs. If you don’t have a scale in your house, great. If you don’t weigh yourself at the gym, even better. But if you can ask the doctor not to weigh you, it’s the best yet. No matter how far you’ve come in your healing journey, that number can be really trippy for your mind and bring up tons of old patterns that you’ve thought were healed. If they must weigh you (in the case of kidney concerns or heart issues, for example), turn around and ask that they don’t read the number out loud to you. Remember – animals never weigh themselves, and they don’t have weight issues!

3. Homework is Optional
Remember, advice is only a reflection of the experiences of who it is coming from. So take the advice you receive as a buffet. Take what you like and leave what doesn’t vibe with you. Anything they tell you that you “must do” or “must not do” are merely suggestions. Yu have complete control of what suggestions you implement in your life and those you choose not to.
Feels Good to be Boss, eh?
Credit to: Katie Dalebout

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